Tribute to Michael Jackson

What a great way to pay tribute to the King of Pop!

From the You Tube page:

These are two performances made at Segels Torg and the Central Station (a third installment is planned to happen at Stureplan at 23.00 tonight).

The dance collective Bounce came up with the idea and invited the public to a short choreographed session before hitting the streets.

(Thanks to Arun M for the link)

Goodbye Michael Jackson

Goodbye and Thank You for your music. Thank you, ’cause you lit up the hopeless days of my teenage with the energy of music. Thank You, because you opened up a whole new world of music which was unknown to me until I discovered your music. With all of your oddities and imperfection as a human being, you are truly a musical legend and your music will travel through the times. Rest in Peace, the King of Pop…

Related post: Michael Jackson turns 50