One man’s dream

This happened many years back. It was the early hours of the night. I was sitting in the veranda with the earphones of the walkman plugged into my ears. Soft, soothing music flowed. I fell into a light sleep.


An empty beach in the twilight. Wind blows lightly. Soft piano tones.

There stands a woman, so beautiful, her white robe floats in the wind. She stands against me and smiles at me. A set of violins and cellos rises, with a light tone of flute. Music is heavenly.

Now she is walking along.

A hug. Eyes closed. Kiss.

Then rises a set of strings of violin and cello. Her fangs, goes deep into my neck, sucking off my blood.

Then I woke up. The music was almost over. Soft piano tones were playing to mark the end of the song. I sat there wondering what just happened. I wasn’t in a deep sleep. I could remember the melody which was being played, while having this dream. Yet, that dream, however short it was, felt so real. I took the album cover and searched for the song name. I read the song title in total awe – One Man’s Dream.

That was the first and only time that I can remember when music created a clear imagery while listening to a song.