Freedom Walk

Freedom Walk is an effort to mobilize social activism to claim, ensure and preserve freedom in our society. A team of campaigners is walking from Kasargode to Trivandrum. I am always skeptical of the “walking” campaign concept, but the excerpts from their website about the walk makes me feel that this sounds good.

Excerpts from their website:

During the journey we will also be actively promoting the free software movement in each district in Kerala. We are looking forward to cooperating with different Free Software User Groups throughout the state and replicate our successful efforts in the building of the GNU/Linux Users Group, Trivandrum.

The second objective that we are trying to achieve is to promote social activism. We expect to meet and collaborate with interested individuals and organizations at various points during the march to express our solidarity and extend our offer to work together in areas where they can utilize our core competency – Information Technology – to enhance their effectiveness and competency. We will also try to push this message through seminars hoping that we will be able to inspire the next generation to grow into responsible citizens.

We also would like to reach out to individuals and organizations who share our vision in preserving the environment. We will be offering to extend our help and technical competency to organized groups like nature clubs, social forestry clubs etc., to help them grow and make use of the power of technology in effectively growing and spreading the message of conservation. These groups can also utilize our efforts to actively network among similar groups across the state.

As part of this effort we will be offering free technical consultancy, web hosting and related services for all these groups. If you are a member of any of these above mentioned groups and you are interested in availing this opportunity please get in touch with us by phone at 9446069446 or using the contact form.